Just as you finish eating your breakfast at the café, a sparrow lands on your table and starts pecking at croissant crumbs. You look at the sweet little bird and immediately know that this is a special moment. You pull your phone out of your pocket to photograph it, and the bird, startled by your rapid movement, takes off to another table. You spread the croissant crumbs around and wait. The bird hesitates, then decides to fly back to your table, but this time it sits with its back to you. You snap a couple of pictures, but they’re lackluster. From your angle, you can’t see the sparrow’s beak tapping the table, or its mischievous eyes.
Are you familiar with the feeling? The frustration that floods your body when you try to capture a unique moment on camera, only to discover that you don’t know how to do it? It’s a sensation that no one knows more keenly than us writers.