One of the highlights of this strange and unsettling year, for me, was the premiere of A Brief History of Us, an animated short film that has been screened at four international festivals so far. The film is based on my short story, “Evolution of a Breakup,” which appeared in my collection, Fly Already.
My artistic partner in the film, the gifted animator Ofra Kobliner, as well as the devoted film producers, Mateusz Michalak and Hamutal Gur, invested three years of hard work to make sure we completed this emotional and slightly loopy film. I wish I could share it with you, but as long as it’s on the festival circuit I can’t post it online. Meanwhile, here’s a preview of Molly Ringwald reading the story, from the film’s moving voiceover. I am grateful to Molly, who, with her characteristic enthusiasm and generosity, volunteered for the project and managed to make the story feel so alive.
I hope to be able to show you the film itself in a few months, but until then, big thanks to Ofra, Molly and all the other tenacious people who helped abate my loneliness through the most isolated years in history.

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