Jan 21, 2022Liked by Etgar Keret

Moving, melancholic and magical. I’m so enthusiastic to watch the film!

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Etgar Keret

WOW. Great story and Ringwald is almost otherworldly, with her understated pathos that is so weird yet so appropriate. I admit I laughed a bit when I first saw her name on your website - it just seemed so silly in a blast-from-the-past kind of way - but her delivery is perfect.

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Molly is multi-talented: except for acting, she writes and makes music and translates (impressively well) from French. It is kind of weird how, at least in my case, I kind of define people by what their famous from and that when you know them from close by the entire way you see them becomes different. There is an American writer I really admire that i always use to think of first as sharp and witty and after knowing him better, whenever I think of him instead of thinking of his talent and wit I just think of him now as a great father who is very good at fixing things around the house...His books stay great but, somehow, whenever I try to think of him the first image that comes to mind is him making pancakes and speaking to his kids....

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Wow. Incredible. Molly should read all of your stories from now on.

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Wish she would 🤞

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Etgar Keret

"Oh no love! you're not alone". The incredible David Bowie.

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Jan 21, 2022Liked by Etgar Keret

I love the smell of a cathartic cry in the morning. Thank you Ms. Ringwlald & Mr. Keret.

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Jan 22, 2022Liked by Etgar Keret

I had to look up who Molly Ringwald was , I had heard her name but I wasn't really aware of her. I love how she breaks the lines and makes you stop with her and before you can spend enough time being stunned she continues, and draws you back in , she really is reading your beautiful story like a singer interpreting a famous song , and her way of emphasizing adds mystery in places where you otherwise might not be aware of mystery. Really wonderful. Thanks

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Etgar Keret

Simply beautiful!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Etgar Keret

When are we ever not alone? Is that the point? Molly is terrific.

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May 24Liked by Etgar Keret

This is beautiful.

The ending reminded me of the philosopher soccer player sketch from Ha-hamishia - "you know what, maybe something is bothering me."

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