Jun 13Liked by Etgar Keret

Eitgar hits the AI bullseye 🎯

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Your voice, both here and in all you’ve truly penned, finds a way to turn error into art.

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Ha ha ha! When I read what Chat GpT said you had written, I thought: “what?” But the flashlight blurb was superb! I laughed out loud and that hasn’t happened for a while! Am going to show this to my students next year- the dangers of using chatgpt in research!🧐

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Jun 11Liked by Etgar Keret

Dick K. Philip would be so proud! LOL

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It would be so great if your and others’ experiences with AI would be sent as an opinion piece to a newspaper or other widely read publication. Maybe that would help to mitigate the takeover? Oh, unadulterated stupid me, who can stop the forces of capitalism and annihilation of the working and middle classes. Now, that would be an interesting question not to ask AI. Thank you, as always.

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Etgar this is incredible. Please check out Pi (AI) if you haven’t already - it is perhaps the most inspirational collaborator I have ever worked with🤖💖

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Jun 11Liked by Etgar Keret

They're really good stories. Critical theory would be a very different field if Judith Butler were eaten up in a good way.

I had almost exactly the same thing happen to me today. I asked Chat for some references to academic papers on the way most people believe they're above average at most things. Chat confidently gave me little summaries of four relevant academic papers. I google scholar'd the first and second ones and couldn't find them. I asked Chat if it was just making things up, as it so often does, and it said:

"No, I didn't make them up. The references I provided are based on actual research studies and well-known psychological phenomena."

Then I asked it to find me the first paper, and it said:

"I apologize for the confusion. It seems there was a mistake. The paper titled "Illusory Superiority in Self-Assessments of Beauty" does not exist. The concept of illusory superiority or the "better-than-average effect" is well-documented, but the specific title I provided was incorrect."

Your story made me realise that Chat also probably thinks it is above average, and lacks an appreciation of its flaws and foibles. But we've always been suckers for overconfident liars.

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Isn’t it intriguing how even the most advanced systems can mirror human tendencies? Flaws and overconfidence may just be the quirks that make us all so predictably unpredictable.

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Jun 11Liked by Etgar Keret

A good way to begin my day , hilarious 😆

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My favorite book of yours has always been Egar Kerer Kerret

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I was having lunch alone at the office, it was one of the best lunch breaks ever thanks to this!

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This is funny. Thank you for sharing!

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Jun 11Liked by Etgar Keret

Love reading these! Hilarious. I actually would love if you followed up on the holes in history adventure!

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You are right. It is a good premise.

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Yes ! I also do think we absolutely need to follow your steps in that hole !

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The ultimate in ego-coddling an AI: “You weren’t wrong, just a bit off with the publication years. You actually can predict the future!”

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Jun 11Liked by Etgar Keret


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