Etgar could - no, should - have been invited to help write the screenplay for the film I saw yesterday: An English language reworked version of 'Longing', written and directed by Savi Gabizon., as was the original Hebrew 2017 movie, set in Israel If ever there were a character hidden in plain sight, it is surely the protagonist's dead son! :)

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Maybe we’re all hidden!

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Reminds me of one of my favourite quotes, which I will be quoting in my memoir.

“It is a joy to be hidden, and disaster not to be found.”

―D.W. Winnicott, 1965

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😢😢 the lost children waiting to be found

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It seems that nostalgia makes you feel sad in old age ~ that was my take anyway, and my experience.

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Nostalgia is νόστος (nóstos), meaning "homecoming", and ἄλγος (álgos), meaning "pain".

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people are ready to endure a whole lot of pain to get back home.

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It ain't over, till it's over

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I wonder if we are not a huge crowd of barely hidden people, whom no one is looking for and who will never be found, sometimes not even by themselves. Death doesn't count because it finds everyone, hidden or not.

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Sad to say, but I am pretty sure you are right, Michel. Death is nothing, it is just death. But a life spent, never knowing who you are or what you are meant to do with it, is tragic. And all too common.

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Very well said !

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Love it!😍

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YEAH we are hiding our hearts well enough

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“ . . . all that time, no one ever found him.” Wow! I love this story!

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