Apr 16Liked by Etgar Keret

I too believe that we do not want anyone to suffer. Israeli or Palestinian. Thank you for expressing this better than I.

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Apr 16Liked by Etgar Keret

Dear Etgar, Great Great Great

Thank you so very much indeed.

Finally, the human side and the political side are being thought *together*. There must be ways to connect them, too, eventually, PLEASE

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Well said… have been considering how I can also express my complex feelings about this conflict- from my safe nest abroad. Having lived in Israel for 23 years, I feel a bit more knowledgeable than so many who express an opinion but have no clue, and I am horrified by the black and white thinking of so many all over the world - and especially in our Israeli government and in the Hamas and Iranian regimes…

I have felt overwhelmed and hopeless, determined and disappointed since the 7th of October. My faith in the goodness of mankind has been badly shaken, cracked and nearly destroyed.

Yet, as I work in higher education, I feel my work is to encourage critical thinking, not blind TikTok following, and to reach out with compassion and kindness to all students, and colleagues- hoping this will be reciprocated despite the bad behavior of Bibi and his band of “merry” men…

And storytelling, Etgar, this too shall set us free!

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Apr 16Liked by Etgar Keret

Suffering is suffering. 💞☮️💞

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This piece tells me exactly who you are. The empathy AND sympathy comes through with every single word.

Growing up where I did, I knew little about the rest of the world. As an adult I am still learning. I know about the division in this country and how it has the potential to end our country.

Thank you for showing the strength and ability to care about others who may not believe as you do.

My heart aches for all who have lost loved ones, the change in their lives. And I hope for peace throughout this world. You touched my heart sir….. ♥️

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Apr 16Liked by Etgar Keret

Yes. Yes. A thousand times, yes! This is truth, thank you. "...there remains one basic truth: suffering is suffering, and it’s only human to want it to end as soon as possible."

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Thank you, Etgar, for continuing to write. As things escalate dangerously with Iran, it is important to not turn away from basic human suffering. You write bravely and honestly, and that is a gift, even if the truth is terrible to hear.

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Thank you for this. Your words give me hope. Both my mother and brother turned against me and called me from disillusioned to a « supporter of hamas » because I dare to see all suffering as suffering and all human beings as human beings. I desperately want the killing to stop. It’s unbearable. I pray (and I’m not religious) for everyone’s safety and dignity, regardless of their nationality, or religion. I’m with you Etgar. And like you, in my helplessness, I write…

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Apr 16Liked by Etgar Keret


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I just reposted on facebook with this comment:

yes yes and YES! Do you know Etgar Keret? He is an Israeli writer and storyteller whose work I used to sit down with a cup of coffee and listen to on This American Life. He always delivered. Now he is delivering the voice and thoughts of Jews and Israelis and people like me. I'm an American Jew with Israeli citizenship. But I need people like Etgar who are on the ground to help me make sense of things as I sit way over here and watch. Here's a quote from this short essay: "a state is not something you receive as a gift or as punishment. Statehood is a basic right of every nation. The October 7 massacre was horrifying, but the Palestinians’ right to elect their own leaders and control their own destiny has existed – and been withheld – for over 50 years, and it has no expiration date."

Do not let Netanyahu DISTRACT (it's funny, not funny, that Grammarly AI wants to change DISTRACT to DESTROY) the world from ending this horrific war with Hamas. Do not let him use Iran to stop negotiating to bring the hostages home. Do not let him use retaliation as a way to continue to stay in office. For 20 years I've watched this horrible man totally fuck up the country I love so much.

Read on...#etgarkeret Etgar Keret (Official) #CeaseFireNow #BringThemHomeNow

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Apr 16Liked by Etgar Keret

Thank you for always expressing what’s on my mind - and articulating it so eloquently

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Apr 16Liked by Etgar Keret

Thank you so much Etgar. This substack is such a gift. The opportunity to read your stories and your take (human and humane) on living in Israel right now means a great deal to me. Truly, thank you so much. And warm thoughts to the other folk who have commented here too... I hope it buoys you a little Etgar that you have this cheer squad.

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“… the rest of humanity is mostly very human. There remains one basic truth: suffering is suffering.”

As one who has worked in Israel with Jews and Arabs, I thank you for expressing so eloquently the feelings and thoughts of people of good will.

Sadly, we are drowned out by the ever-strident voices from Netanyahu’s cabinet, Hamas, and Teheran.

Yet continuing disaster is the only alternative to the sides realizing that they need to negotiate, and truly listen to each other. They will need to embrace two forces that are currently in short supply: reason, and compassion.

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Apr 16Liked by Etgar Keret

… and as to the picture: nice guy to help his girlfriend carry her M16 …

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Apr 16Liked by Etgar Keret

… although i do think that borrowing her tutu and slippers for that might be considered a little OTT over the top, might‘t it ?

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Thank you, Etgar Keret. We desperately need your voice.

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